Aileen Leventon and Jenny Anne Horst-Martz, long-standing contributors to legal industry initiatives, have written another practical book on how to get the most out of using UTBMS codes. Legal Value Track is for both law firms and their clients, to advance the goal of developing a shared understanding on the value of particular legal services. Legal […]
The LEDES Board of Directors has authorized the creation of an API Development Subcommittee, with Nicholas Puschak and Daniel Bodner serving as co-chairs. The subcommittee will develop and publish a software API that will enable direct application-to-application exchange of legal invoices and other information. The goal of this subcommittee is to define an industry standard
A new book on using the Mergers & Acquisitions UTBMS Codes is now available. Authored by Aileen Leventon and Jenny Ann Horst-Martz, this modestly priced resource illustrates how the codes can be used to help price or evaluate fees and value of a matter, identify where you are in the matter/plan budget, identify out-of scope
It is our understanding that as the judiciaries of England and Wales move ahead with the electronic form bill of costs, it is no longer required that attorneys use the J-Code task and activity codes when recording their time or in the new model form bill-of-costs itself (the nBOC). HOWEVER attorneys are required to use
Update on J-Codes and Model Form Bill of Costs for England and WalesRead More »
As part of our campaign called “Disrupting the Ebilling Status Quo,” the LEDES Oversight Committee posted a survey to collect feedback from the legal industry to identify issues experienced by each constituency participating in ebilling — vendors (of third party ebilling systems, ebilling administration tools or LEDES invoice generators, law firm practice management and timekeeping systems that create LEDES
At our mid-year Member’s Meeting, the LEDES Oversight Committee announced that the time has come to identify and address issues and deficiencies with legal ebilling. As a standards organization the LOC Board recognizes that the we can recommend but not force standards. Once we have quantified issues experienced by law firm and law department users, subcommittees will
LEDES Oversight Committee To Disrupt Ebilling Status QuoRead More »
We are just back this week from the ILTA conference, where the LOC held our mid-year meeting and a panel discussion on “Why UTBMS Isn’t a Waste of Time.” The UTBMS session was interesting and our panel of experts provided great insight as to how UTBMS is used in electronic validation of invoice submissions, budgeting,
LEDES Oversight Committee Standards Board Member David Nelson reports: For all law firms that conduct civil litigation in England and Wales, Lord Justice Jackson delivered a keynote speech at the Law Society’s Civil Litigation conference yesterday (Thu 21st April 2016) regarding the new Bill of Costs and the J-Codes. The text of Lord Justice Jackson's speech
Update on Model Form Bill of Costs in England and WalesRead More »
The LEDES Oversight Committee is pleased to announce the ratification of a new Mergers and Acquisitions UTBMS code set. The new code set was originally proposed by a task force on legal project management within the ABA M&A Committee in 2015. The final code set ratified by the Board of the LEDES Oversight Committee in
On January 29, 2016 the LEDES Oversight Committee members enacted a change to our membership structure. Previously membership in the LOC was limited to organizations. An individual derived their membership in the LOC by virtue of working for a member organization. Each member organization was able to designate one voting member, an alternate voting member,