The LEDES Board is please to announce the ratification of new UTBMS codes specific to Patent Prosecution. The new code set is the result of a Subcommittee formed in 2022, tasked with investigating the existing model for initiating, tracking, and invoicing IP matters and to recommend potential improvements in data definition and communication that would […]
Category: UTBMS
The UTBMS (Uniform Task-Based Management System) codes used in legal ebilling have been created by numerous different bodies, and most were created with consideration of the American legal system. This makes the codes difficult for global users because in some cases (i) they don’t fully understand the English documentation and (ii) they don’t understand the
Chinese Versions of UTBMS Code Sets Now Available!Read More »
In 2020 the LEDES Oversight Committee is focusing on usability. In this regard, we are working toward releasing versions of the UTBMS code sets better suited for use in non-US legal proceedings, meaning that we want to create versions containing descriptive language as opposed to using US-oriented legal procedural terms. Once this is complete, we
Aileen Leventon and Jenny Anne Horst-Martz, long-standing contributors to legal industry initiatives, have written another practical book on how to get the most out of using UTBMS codes. Legal Value Track is for both law firms and their clients, to advance the goal of developing a shared understanding on the value of particular legal services. Legal
A new book on using the Mergers & Acquisitions UTBMS Codes is now available. Authored by Aileen Leventon and Jenny Ann Horst-Martz, this modestly priced resource illustrates how the codes can be used to help price or evaluate fees and value of a matter, identify where you are in the matter/plan budget, identify out-of scope
The LEDES Oversight Committee is pleased to announce the ratification of a new Mergers and Acquisitions UTBMS code set. The new code set was originally proposed by a task force on legal project management within the ABA M&A Committee in 2015. The final code set ratified by the Board of the LEDES Oversight Committee in
The final version of the ratified UTBMS standard for Governance Risk & Compliance is now available. See here for more information.
The Jackson Steering Committee has issued a press release on the J-Codes for England and Wales. Jackson Steering Committee – J-Code Press Release
The LEDES Oversight Committee (“LOC”) has endorsed the new UTBMS Litigation Code-set for use in England and Wales – the EW-UTBMS J-Code-set. Created by the Jackson Steering Committee for use within the judiciaries of England and Wales, the release of these codes marks the first stage in the Steering Committee's objective to develop a new model-form
EW-UTBMS Litigation ‘J-Code-Set’ for Use in England and Wales is Now AvailableRead More »