LEDES Oversight Committee does not endorse or recommend products or services within our vertical.
The LEDES.org web site receives 2,000 - 5,000 visitors each month. This menu item is intended to provide information to our visitors on products and services within the legal ebilling vertical.
Products fall into different categories, and each requires the use of a LEDES data exchange standard.
- Client Analytic Systems - This class of systems provides analytics to law departments and insurance organizations that mandate ebilling.
- Ebilling Vendor Systems - These systems are usually purchased by law departments and insurance organizations and mandated for use by their outside counsel law firms for the submission of legal invoices and other information. This page also includes Auditing Systems (third-party providers of legal fee auditing services).
- Law Firm Back-Office Systems - These systems are purchased by law firms or other legal service providers. This category includes timekeeping, billing and back-office financial management systems.
- Law Firm Ebilling Administration Systems - These systems assist with administration of the ebilling function within the law firm. These systems include middleware that sits between the law firm's back-office systems and the third-party ebilling vendor system. Any law firm back-office system that includes LEDES API functionality is also shown under this menu item.
- Simple LEDES Invoice Tools - These are simple systems that provide LEDES generator or editing capabilities for law firm billing staff. Typically these do not integrate with a law firm's back-office systems or third-party ebilling vendor systems.
- Consulting Services - This includes any organization that provides consulting services associated in some way with legal ebilling. It can include vendors that provide consulting to Law Firms, Law Departments or ebilling vendors, and can be for system selection, implementation, remediation or configuration services.
Cost: Vendors can place a single PDF ad for $750 USD per year.
- Vendor must provide a Letter or A4-size advertisement PDF for placement on the LEDES web site and may only reference a single product.
- Vendor may not discuss or compare product to any competing product.
- PDFs require approval by the LEDES Board of Directors.
- PDFs can be updated, with updates provided by Wednesday to be posted by the following Monday. Initial postings may take longer due to Board approval requirement.
- Vendor Advertising is managed similar to LEDES membership, with payment via Credit Card required. A contact at the vendor must be provided to manage the listing.
- Vendor Advertising terms listed here apply for 1 year starting 11 June 2024, after which program may change at any time.