IPMM (Intellectual Property Matter Management) Namespace
This URL (web address) corresponds to the namespace <http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/> identified for the LEDES IPMM disclosure and concept schemas, as published in 2015. The namespace https://ledes.org/IPMM/2015 identifies the set of unique, defined element names used in a LEDES IPMM disclosure. The LEDES Oversight Committee (LOC) reserves the right to delete, reduce, expand, or otherwise modify this namespace or the elements contained therein.
Although a namespace does not require that the corresponding URL actually exist or contain any content, the LOC maintains this website to assist implementers and users who may be seeking further information regarding the schemas. LOC also maintains the related version of the disclosure and concept XML Schema Definition (XSD) files at this location to assist with access for validation and review. (Some XML parsers assume that the URL listed for the targetNamespace is a hint for the schema location.)
Files Contained in this Directory
- L_Concept (L_Concept.xsd)
- L_Disclosure (L_Disclosure.xsd)
Clicking on a link to an XSD file should open the XSD file in your default browser. XSD files are text files that should be readable in most browsers’ recent versions.
Related Resources
- WIPO ST.96 <http://web2.wipo.int/wipostad/en/standards/st96-en/1-0/view> – Recommendation for the Processing of Industrial Property Information Using XML. WIPO ST.96 includes XSD schemas that may be adopted by global patent offices in processing patent applications and other IP related records. Presumably the patent-focused output of an IP matter management system should comply with WIPO ST.96.
- W3C XSD 1.1 Part 1: Structures <http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/>. Defines the nature of XSD schemas and their component parts, provides an inventory of XML markup constructs with which to represent schemas, and defines the application of schemas to XML documents.
- W3C XSD 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes <http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-2/>. Defines datatypes that can be used in an XML Schema.
- W3C Primer on XML Schema <http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/>. The W3C’s non-normative document intended to inform how to create schemas using XSD.
- LEDES Common Schemas <https://ledes.org/common/2015>. This directory contains schemas that are used by the LEDES IPMM schemas to define elements that might also be used by other LEDES schemas. The IPMM schemas import L_AssociatedFile, L_GenericTypes, L_LegalEntity, L_PersonName, and L_PersonalInfo (all files are .xsd).
Maintained by the LEDES Oversight Committee
Date last modified: 18 August 2015